H2020: technical partners to develop a waste-less separation technology for processing uranium mines waste
A Dutch-led consortium is preparing a proposal for the Horizon 2020 call: SC5-13-2016-2017. The project is dedicated to develop an eco-friendly, highly efficient and waste-less separation technology for processing uranium mines waste. The consortium is especially looking for companies which have experience in utilising the waste of uranium mines or are producing separation equipment for separating radioactive materials.
Role of partners:
The consortium is looking especially for companies, which have experience in:
- utilising the waste of uranium mines;
- producing separation equipment for separating radioactive materials.
The missing part of the consortium is desired to focus on the engineering and production tasks and activities of the whole separation line, inclusive the mechanical transport system.
Also companies interested in utilising the waste, that means companies interested in the material that can used as building material and companies interested in the uranium concentrate, are welcome to join the project.
The expertise for the subsystems radioactive measurements, the magnetic systems to be used and the method for separation is already available.
Furthermore the consortium also invites all other interested companies and specialists to participate in the proposed project.
Více informací: macounova@tc.cz
Zdroj: Enterprise Europe Network