ADITECH technology corporation,( ) is a private non-profit organization that brings together the Navarre Region technology centers in Spain, doing research and innovation in several technology fields: Biomedicine, Agrofood, Renewable Energies and Industry. ADItech comprises around 1,000 people dedicated to participate in the innovation chain and to promote the industry engagement, with a clear focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.
We are promoting a proposal under the INTERREG EUROPE programme in the thematic objective Strengthening research, technological development and innovation for the topic 1 b), with the support of the Regional Government of Navarra.
The project addresses the improvement of innovation policies within the regional framework that support the delivery of innovation by actors in regional innovation chains in areas of “smart specialisation” and innovation opportunity.
The project aims at exchanging best practices between regional authorities, technology centres, universities and innovation agencies to develop innovative methods to support the technology transfer to private companies, increasing the innovation opportunities between companies and the research and innovation agents; facilitating as ultimate goal the development of innovative products and/or technology access to companies within, and among European regions members of the consortium.
In Navarra the Regional Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization -RIS3 has been developed through the Economic Development Model for Navarra (MODERNA) and its implementation at research and innovation level is carried out through IV of Navarre Technological Plan (2012-2015), where a reordering of the Technological Centres was decided in a new network technology: ADITECH Technology Corporation in order to:
• reduce the fragmentation and use the resources in a better and more efficient way
• increase the size and capabilities of the research teams of the centres
To boost the results of the Technological Centres it was decided to further integrate into 4 sectorial areas (related with RIS3) where Navarre has significant technological capabilities: Energy, Biomedicine, Industry and Agrofood. The IV of Navarre Technological Plan ends in 2015, so it is necessary to define a new Technology Plan and natural idea is this new plan starts from how to implement and deploy innovative actions in Navarra from this new structure led by ADItech .
So, we are looking for as partners of our project:
• Public organisms managing European Union ERDF funds
• Regional Innovation Agencies in Europe
Please, if your region has already developed an regional innovation strategy and your institution manages the European Union ERDF funds or its his Regional Innovation Agency, and are interesting in taking part in the Project, contact me by mail.
(Zdroj: EU Projects Partner Search)