• (*) Description of the expertise offered (up to 1000 characters)
The Laboratory of Thermic, Energy and Processes (LaTEP) is working on the energy transition challenge, by conducting researches in the areas of Energy and Environmental processes.
The scientific skills of the LaTEP are based on experimentation, modeling and simulation in:
• Thermodynamics of complex fluids (aqueous solution under pressure...) and energetic systems;
• Multiphase transfers;
• Phase change;
• Process intensification.
These skills are implemented to answer societal challenges such as sustainable energy and sustainable development: renewable energy (geothermal, solar…), energy storage (surface and underground), optimization and efficiency of energetic systems, gas transport & storage, indoor air treatment, waste recycling, sludge dewatering.
We collaborate with many industrial partners as well as with the European Gas Research Group.
• Keywords describing the expertise requested (up to 10 words)
• Energy 20
• Energy storage and distribution
• Waste valorization
• Air treatment
• Thermodinamic
• (*) Relevant topic in work programme
• LCE 9 – 2015: Large scale energy storage
• LCE 15 – 2014/2015: Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS
• LCE 23 – 2015: Supporting the community in deploying a common framework for measuring the energy and environmental efficiency of the ICT-sector
• Former participation in FP or other international cooperation projects
Organisation information
Organisation and country: LaTEPI UPPA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France)
Type of organisation:
□ Enterprise □ SME X Academic □Research institute □ Public Body □ Other: Association
Former participation in FP European projects?
□ Yes x No
Web address: http://latep.univ-pau.fr/live/
Description of the organisation:
LaTEP is one of the research instituts of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. The scientific activities of the LaTEP are divided into two major thematic : Energy 203 and Environmental Processes.
(*) Contact details
Contact person name Pierre Cezac
Telephone: 33(0)5 59 40 78 30
E-mail: Pierre.cezac@univ-pau.fr
Country: France
(*) –Mandatory