SIAME Profile Energy

• (*) Description of the expertise offered (up to 1000 characters)

The main skills being developed in SIAME relate primarily to the generation and metrology of high voltage pulses and the resulting applications. Specificities that must have the voltage waveform (rise time, amplitude, pulse width and pulse repetition frequency), involve adapting the generator structure of the requirements. The laboratory has developed different types of transient high voltage generators (Marx generators, Blumlein, resonant pulse transformers, transmission lines transformers) with complementary characteristics. These generators have been developed, most of the time, in the context of industrial contracts (DGA, Thales, CEA, TOTAL ...). SIAME laboratory has a capacity of expertise and an unique knowledge in France in the field of pulsed high-voltage generators, either in their realization or their implementation. The most significant achievements are :
- A 25kV-60ps-500Hz generator dedicated to a mine detection project
- A Marx generator 300kV-250ps-200Hz developed for electromagnetic interference in partnership with Thales,
- A Marx generator 250kV-15ns 100Hz contained in a volume close to 8 liters for the CEA,
- An autonomous radiated device based on the concept of pulse resonant transformer 600kV/20Hz developed in partnership with the French Ministry for Defense, the CEA and Hi Pulse company.

• Keywords describing the expertise requested (up to 10 words)

• High pulsed power
• High power microwaves
• High voltage generators (up to 1MV)
• Marx generators
• Pulse transformers
• Solid state generators
• High current generation (up to 150kA)
• Pulsed electric fields
• Bio-electromagnetism
• Ultra wide band systems
• Electrical discharges
• Lightning protection
• High voltage and high current measurement devices (capacitive probes, line dividers, Vdot sensors...)
• Non invasive electric field measurement based on Kerr effect
• Pressure wave generation due to electrical discharges in water

• (*) Relevant topic in work programme

• LCE 9 – 2015: Large scale energy storage
• LCE 15 – 2014/2015: Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS
• LCE 23 – 2015: Supporting the community in deploying a common framework for measuring the energy and environmental efficiency of the ICT-sector

• Former participation in FP or other international cooperation projects

Intelligent Energy Europe.
Leonardo Programme.

Organisation information

Organisation and country:
Type of organisation:
Enterprise SME x Academic xResearch institute Public Body Other: Association

Former participation in FP European projects?
Yes No

Web address:

Description of the organisation:

The laboratory of Engineering Sciences Applied to Mechanics and Electrical Engineering (SIAME) of the University of Pau (UPPA) in France consists of two teams: one Mechanical team and one Electrical Engineering team. The team of Electrical Engineering of the SIAME laboratory is headed by L. Pécastaing. This is one of the few French academic teams working in the field of high voltage. It includes 11 faculty members, 1 engineer and 5 PhD students currently (in 2015).

(*) Contact details

Contact person name Dr Pecastaing Laurent
Telephone: +33 5 59 84 53 24
Country: France

(*) –Mandatory