Nabídka partnerství finské organizace VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT)

EE-17-2016-2017 Valorisation of waste heat in industrial systems

LCE-28-2017. Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants

We are a CFD team of 15 skilled researchers developing and applying CFD of single and multiphase flows to various thermal conversion and process industry processes, notably combustion and fluidization. We have strong cooperation with many companies, research organizations and with VTT's other teams combining experimental work and simulations. We have utilized CFD for retrofit design and troubleshooting of over 100 boiler furnaces including PC, BFB, CFB, grate fired and recovery boilers. Our studies have considered the minimization of emissions and ensuring availability of the furnaces, and also their flexible use in load following conditions. Please visit VTT’s internet site and find our brochures (search for CFD). Please find below a general description of VTT.

We were involved in the preparation of a proposal to LCE-28-2017 call but the consortium decided to abandon it because the companies involved were not able to finalize the demonstration part of the proposal/consortium before the dead line of the call.

Please contact:

Lars Kjäldman, Dr. - Research Team Leader Principal Scientist,, mobile +358 40 593 8672, POBox 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland

Sirpa Kallio, Dr. - Project Manager IPMA-C, Principal Scientist,, mobile +358 40 0157512, POBox 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT), is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company established by law. Act on the Limited Liability Company Called VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (8761/2014) lays down provisions on the operations and status of VTT (this Act enters into force 1st of January 2015 and supersedes the Act on the Technical Research Centre of Finland 953/2010 and all amendments subsequently made to it). The Ministry of Employment and the Economy is responsible for state ownership steering.

As an impartial non-profit Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) and with the national mandate and mission to support economic competitiveness, societal development and innovation, VTT carries out research and innovation activities for the needs of industry and knowledge-based society. In 2014, VTT’s turnover was 251 million €, with highly educated personnel of 2375. VTT receives approximately third of its total income directly from the Finnish government. This allows VTT to carry out the high-risk strategic research and investment in research and technology infrastructures, which are necessary to generate the knowledge and know-how required for fulfilling VTT’s public mandate.

VTT’s contribution to the targets and priorities of Europe 2020 strategy is channelled through close collaboration with the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy, with regional innovation networks throughout Finland and with numerous European platforms and partnerships. Within Horizon 2020, VTT aims at renewal of European industrial value chains and strengthening of dynamic ecosystems addressing Societal Challenges.

VTT is organised around three main areas: Knowledge intensive products and services, Smart industry and energy systems, and Solutions for natural resources and environment. However, all VTT activities are characterised by genuine trans-disciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches and the daily project work is planned and implemented within multi-year, coordinated programmes.

VTT has a vast experience of various EU projects. On average, the share of industry partners was 42% in those consortia where VTT was engaged in FP7. In 2013, VTT was involved in 471 EU-funded research projects and in 2014 VTT was involved in 313 EU-funded Research Projects. Ranked among the leading European RTOs, VTT is committed to responsible collaboration for achieving the Europe 2020 goals by networking with Finnish and European actors in the global context.

Valorisation of waste heat in industrial systems closing date  19. 1. 2017 - IA

Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants closing date 5. 1. 2017 - RIA