Looking of partners to participate in the call Horizon 2020, SC5-20-2015

Dear friends,

Russian innovative company ", author and owner of the project " The highly efficient technology of clearing storm and sewage water (Acronym: nanoWater)" looking of partners to participate in the call Horizon 2020, SC5-20-2015: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials

The project «The highly efficient technology of clearing storm and sewage water». This project proposes a new enabling technology for cleaning stormwater and sewage. This technology enables low residual pollutant content in treated water (mg / l), iron (total) - 0.1-0.2; oil products 0.05-0.1; suspended solids - 1-3; ions of heavy and non-ferrous metals - 0.01. The degree of purification achieved by the use of this technology is significantly higher than when using a coagulant and is comparable with the results of the technology of ion exchange. However, unlike ionite much simpler to use, economical to several times and does not involve the formation of secondary waste. The technology is based on use of not having world analogs of sorbents – hydrosols. Particle size of the sol ranges from 10 to 20 nm.

The developed sorbents have the following advantages:
• Effectively recovered heavy and non-ferrous metals;
• Possess a stoichiometric excess of sorption in relation to recoverable components;
• Do not alter of the pH of the solution and its a salt and component composition;
• Non-toxic and biologically inert;
• Effectively adsorb of a various organic dirt and a oil products.

Application of the technology is treatment of industrial waste water and storm water.

Stage of technological readiness of technology - TRL 6- TRL 7.

The proposed technology treatment of industrial wastewater and stormwater wastewater has passed the experimental - industrial operation in a number of enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region.

To participate in the project are invited:
1. Project Coordinator (SME with experience in project management in FP7, Horizon 2020 or similar);
2. For demonstration of the technology is required an object (demonstration area). The best option - a sewage treatment plant of industrial storm water for the metallurgical and chemical industry
3. Partners to participate in Phase 2 and 3 of the project (market research, environmental aspect, commercialization, etc.).

Contact person: Gurina Larisa
LLC « Envidatec Ost »
Russian Federation, 620049, Ekaterinburg,
Studencheskaya st., 15-2
Post address:
620102, Ekaterinburg,
Posadskaya st., 45, of. 11
Tel/fax: +7(343)283-08-50
Web-site: www.envidatec-ost.ru